Humility and Respect

Celebrating God

Godly Love Among Believers
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 

Praise for God's Eternal Reign

Jude 20-25 The Message

For Reflection

The last couple of years has tried my Christianity.  I have difficulty living in a culture where the truth is optional and in which there are so many conflicting pressures. All of our institutions, including the church, have been turned upside down against the common good of us all.

Today I read an analysis that pointed out that it is impossible to hate and learn at the same time in this toxic climate. It pointed out, to me at least, that Christians should displace the this or that, me or your truths, with the Both/And.

All sides contain a fundamental truth at their core. All are created to be good. All are God's children, no matter how each differs from the other.  All deserve to be listened to, not just heard. Listen to the pain which is at the roots of contentions and mistrust.  

Indeed, we Christians must remember God's promise that all will be made right. Therefore, even as we suffer, we must remain faithful to the practices of Christian hospitality and peaceful action. We must stay hopeful. We must preserve the freedom of all peoples to choose righteousness as God preserves our right to choose obedience in the light or the Godlessness of darkness.


Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Pray to remain faithful to the will of God that you have chosen. Pray for the patience to stay steadfast to your faith and hopeful for the future. Finally, pray for compassion and the ability to understand all of us who cry out in pain, even those who violently strike out at imaginary foes.

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