The Scepter Will Not leave Judah

God's Exceptional Choice 
The Septor Given to Judah
Jacob Called Israel
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 

Genesis 49:10 The Voice

10     The scepter will not depart from Judah;
        the ruler's staff will rest securely between his feet.
    Until the One comes to whom true royalty belongs,
        all people will honor and obey him.

For Reflection

Kings and governments come and go. The authority and power to govern or rule, the scepter, is often from one powerful rule to the next. But the scepter of God will not be stolen. On the contrary, the people of God will be protected by the One who has blessed them.

Thus, the scepter of God's reign will be protected and passed to Jesus, the Christ.


Pray and worship the living God whose power and mercy are everlasting.

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