Come to Me, You Weary

Jesus Calls Us
Called from the Margins of Society
The Prodigal Son
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 

For Reflection

Why can't we recognize the truth when it is right in front of us? "In a world where the truth is often presented as debatable and lies are painted as truth, we can become weary," writes Jennifer T. Kaalund, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Iona College, New Rochelle, N.Y. "The truth does matter. Truth is the beginning of wisdom. It is a starting point for us to live fruitful lives."* 

If one finds himself weary of life's torments and his unidentified sense of yearning for he knows not what, Why not let go of those worries? Is his unwillingness to accept the good news of the Gospel because it is irrational? Is it his stubborn belief that only he alone can satisfy his yearning? Is he at his wits' end and willing to try anything for relief?

If so, learn about Jesus. Let Jesus teach the wisdom of living in the hollow of God's hands. Then, know how Jesus does it and live freely and joyfully.



Pray and study the Scriptures to learn and mature in your walk with Christ. Pray and grow in understanding the importance of knowing God and, perhaps more importantly, being known by God.

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