Defender of the Oppressed

From Darkness to Light 
God's Call and Responsibilities
Not Many Elite Called
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 

For Reflection

Many churches lost membership during the covid pandemic. Some of those members may or may not return. In addition, congregations are growing older, with fewer and fewer younger folks picking up the slack. Amos addresses the issue of dying religious affiliation.  

 "Bo Lim, professor of religion at Seattle Pacific University, comments, "God's desire is for people to work actively for a healthy society. When society makes a turn for the worse and the privileged can manipulate the systems of the public and private sector for their own selfish gain at the expense of the poor and marginalized, 'seeking God' involves publically rejecting these forms of evil and working towards the establishment of justice."

"Should God's people be saved, it will require human repentance and divine grace."

Bo Lim


Pray prayers of lamentation for the Church universal. Pray for the grace of God, God's forgiveness, and God's mercy on the Church. Finally, pray and meditate on the need for the Church to admit its sin and turn itself outward into the world as God has intended it to serve.

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