We Praise, We Cry, We Praise

Jesus Calls Us
Called from the Margins of Society
The Prodigal Son
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 

For Reflection

David was surrounded by threats. Threats from every political corner, and even from his family, David was feeling the pressure of his Kingship. And just like all of us, he felt frustrated and betrayed. His psalm begins with praise, moves to lament and uncertainty, and then returns to praise. It is cyclic, just as our lives are." We praise, we cry, we praise. It is the stuff of our existence."*

The call of God on our lives invites us to believe again that our faith in God will never desert us. "Life without fear is not possible, but faith can call us to live God's will for our life instead of reducing our lives because of our fears and insecurities."*

*Beth Tanner, Professor of Old Testament, New Brunswick Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, NJ, https://www.workingpreacher.org/commentaries/revised-common-lectionary/second-sunday-in-lent-3/commentary-on-psalm-27-3


Pray to have the courage to let go of your fears and frustrations. Pray to trust in God, who makes everything right, and know the freedom from worry and the need to fix everything. Pray and accept that God's will, not yours, be done.

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