You Are Children of Light

From Darkness to Light 
God's Call and Responsibilities
God Calls You into Light
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 

For Reflection

"Jesus' second coming is a cause for celebration, not dismay. Light comprehends the light in a way that darkness does not (John 1:5), so the day of the Lord for those of the day is only the culmination of the life they are already living."*

"Many people fear death; perhaps it's the idea of the unknown that stirs the imagination. Death is the great enemy that stands before believers, but through Jesus' own death and resurrection, the power of death is broken. Paul uses the gentle image of the faithful being asleep as a new perspective on the finality of death. One minute you close your eyes to this world; the next, you are celebrating with Jesus and experiencing the resurrection of the body. Those sleeping will not even miss a moment; it will all happen in the blink of an eye."**

*Amy L. B. Peeler, Associate Professor of New Testament Wheaton College Wheaton, Ill.,
**Commentary embedded in The Voice


Pray that you will act like a creature of the day, a light to guide others to experience the Holy Spirit.
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