Justice and the Prophets
God Promises a Just Kingdom Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5)
God's Just Servant
Mark 11:15-19 The Message
15-17 They arrived at Jerusalem. Immediately on entering the Temple Jesus started throwing out everyone who had set up shop there, buying and selling. He kicked over the tables of the bankers and the stalls of the pigeon merchants. He didn’t let anyone even carry a basket through the Temple. And then he taught them, quoting this text:
My house was designated a house of prayer for the nations;
You’ve turned it into a hangout for thieves.
18 The high priests and religion scholars heard what was going on and plotted how they might get rid of him. They panicked, for the entire crowd was carried away by his teaching.
19 At evening, Jesus and his disciples left the city.
For Reflection
A few days ago, in a Washington Post article, a writer suggested that "quid pro quo" was a civic religion that emphasized personal prophet at the expense of justice. Perhaps there is a parallel in Jesus' anger toward the temple profiteers to contemporary times. Both the Pharisees and the vendors profited. It wasn't the money they stole. Instead, the profiteers stole the meaning of the Jewish faith and the opportunity for everyone, even the destitute, to participate in the worship of God. The grace of God was turned into something that needed to be purchased.
The Council of Trent condemned “all base gain for securing indulgences” in 1563, and Pope Pius V abolished the sale of indulgences in 1567. Today many who claim to be ministers of the Word preach that one's salvation may be dependent upon the amount of donation that is given or the number of good works accomplished. "The more you give, the more you will receive material profit."
More subtly, living in a prosperous culture has led to a presumption that what one does should carry an expectation of return. Furthermore, if one doesn't meet the expectations of "carrying his load," that person is somehow undeserving. Such thinking inhibits service to the less fortunate, the poor, and the disenfranchised.
God cares little about the good works you do so that you can earn salvation. God cares more that you have given your will over to the will of God.
Pray prayers of praise and thanksgiving for the love God has shown to us. Give thanks to the God of Love for all those that sacrifice themselves for the common good.