Call in the New TestamentThe Beginning of a Call Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) Called to Prepare the WayIsaiah 40:1-5 New International VersionComfort for God’s People40 Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. 3 A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord[a]; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.[b] 4 Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. 5 And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” For ReflectionPerhaps during this Advent Season, we around the world need comforting more than ever. Chaos reigns. Covid, climate change, political and economic stress, and all the attending weariness have made us anxious, worried, and frightened.
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 VERSE 1: Comfort, comfort ye My people, Speak of peace, now says our God; Comfort those who sit in darkness, Mourning under sorrow’s load; Cry unto Jerusalem Of the peace that waits for them; Tell her that her sins I cover, And her warfare now is over.
VERSE 2: For the herald’s voice is crying In the desert far and near, Calling all to true repentance, Since the kingdom now is here. O that warning cry obey! Now prepare for God a way! Let the valleys rise to meet Him, And the hills bow down to greet Him.
VERSE 3: Now make straight what long was crooked, Make the rougher places plain: Let your hearts be true and humble, As befits His holy reign, For the glory of the Lord Spreads through all the earth abroad, And all flesh shall see the token That His Word is never broken.
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