Consecrate Children to God

Prophets Faithfull to God's Covenant

Faithful Prophets
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 


Listen to Moses

Exodus 13:1-2
The Message

13 1-2 God spoke to Moses, saying, “Set apart every firstborn to me—the first one to come from the womb among the Israelites, whether person or animal, is mine.

For Reflection

While the phrase refers to the firstborn male (A cultural norm when this was declared that elevated the firstborn male to the household inheritance ) one may take the liberty to suggest that all children should be dedicated to God. At one level, God is demanding a tribute that reflects god's dominance over his creation.  However, one may also see that setting aside the firstborn ensures that the obedience to the Lord and one's trust in God is given The Hig banking sibling who, at least normatively, is the most respected.

Children are held in high regard in the Christian household.  We in the Church take a vow to guide and protect children in the congregation.  It is how we are to bring up a child in a Christian tradition.


Pray, for all parents.  Pray that they will observe their parental obligation to their baptismal vows.  Pray that the church will also support efforts to assist childrearing in the Christian faith.

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