A Lying Spirit Brings Disaster

Prophets Faithfull to God's Covenant

Courageous Prophets of Change
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 


Micaiah: Speaking Truth to Power

2 Chronicles 18:18-22
The Message

18-21 Micaiah kept on, “I’m not done yet; listen to God’s word:

I saw God enthroned,
    and all the Angel Armies of heaven
standing at attention,
    ranged on his right and his left.
And God said, “How can we seduce Ahab
    into attacking Ramoth Gilead?”
Some said this,
    and some said that.
Then a bold angel stepped out,
    stood before God, and said,
“I’ll seduce him.”
    “And how will you do it?” said God.
“Easy,” said the angel,
    “I’ll get all the prophets to lie.”
“That should do it,” said God;
    “On your way—seduce him!”

22 “And that’s what has happened. God filled the mouths of your puppet prophets with seductive lies. God has pronounced your doom.”

For Reflection

Israel prospered under King Ahab. But the wealth and power seduced Ahab to use his wealth for selfish ends. His hate for Syrians animated his war to recover "his property."  Sometimes wealth enables great opportunities to do good.  Sometimes wealth is used for evil ends. God turns on Ahab, and Ahab is ready to believe anything that will allow him to achieve his Godless ends.  


Pray for the wisdom to distinguish what appears to be justified to some may not be justified in the sight of God.

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