A Case of Incest

Prophets Faithfull to God's Covenant

Courageous Prophets of Change
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 


Isiah: Offering Hope for the Future

1 Corinthians 5:1-5
The Message

The Mystery of Sex

5 1-2 I also received a report of scandalous sex within your church family, a kind that wouldn’t be tolerated even outside the church: One of your men is sleeping with his stepmother. And you’re so above it all that it doesn’t even faze you! Shouldn’t this break your hearts? Shouldn’t it bring you to your knees in tears? Shouldn’t this person and his conduct be confronted and dealt with?

3-5 I’ll tell you what I would do. Even though I’m not there in person, consider me right there with you because I can fully see what’s going on. I’m telling you that this is wrong. You must not simply look the other way and hope it goes away on its own. Bring it out in the open and deal with it in the authority of Jesus, our Master. Assemble the community—I’ll be present in spirit with you, and our Master Jesus will be present in power. Hold this man’s conduct up to public scrutiny. Let him defend it if he can! But if he can’t, then out with him! It will be totally devastating to him, of course, and embarrassing to you. But better devastation and embarrassment than damnation. You want him on his feet and forgiven before the Master on the Day of Judgment.

For Reflection

When enacted, the dark secrets of sexual indiscretion and taboos are often ignored and tolerated because of the uncomfortable scandal revelation would cause.  Isiah advises that perversion be exposed for all to see. The perpetrator would then experience the suffering administered by society.  While an embarrassment to you, the offender will suffer devastation.

But only the scoundrel's flesh will be devastated.  His soul will be saved so that reconciliation is possible. Divine judgment has already been passed. Our job is not vengeance or punishment. Rather our commission is to prepare the malefactor for repentance and forgiveness. Such compassion is the design of Church discipline. It is bolstered by love and a desire to help him recover and know the grace of God.


Pray and contemplate your role as a shepherd for those who have fallen and suffer because of it.

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