Pause and Be Astonished

Prophets Faithfull to God's Covenant

Courageous Prophets of Change
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 


Isiah: Offering Hope for the Future

Isaiah 29:9-12
The Message

9-10 Drug yourselves, so you feel nothing.
    Blind yourselves, so you see nothing.
Get drunk, but not on wine.
    Blackout, but not from whiskey.
For God has rocked you into a deep, deep sleep,
    put the discerning prophets to sleep,
    put the farsighted seers to sleep.

You Have Everything Backward

11-12 What you’ve been shown here is somewhat like a letter in a sealed envelope. If you give it to someone who can read and tell her, “Read this,” she’ll say, “I can’t. The envelope is sealed.” And if you give it to someone who can’t read and tell him, “Read this,” he’ll say, “I can’t read.”

For Reflection

Drugged by the falshoods, we become blinded.  We embrace as in a drunken stupor the lies which bring about people who are insensible to the danger and ignorant about what to do.  God has removed God's endorsement of the rulers and false prophets.

See and hear with the eyes and ears of God.  Be astonished by the words of scripture that are obscure to those in darkness. Be stunned by the stupidity and illiteracy of the pretenders.


Pray and contemplate how the Word behind the Word can be manipulated by the ill-informed and deceitful. Pray and be wary of the morally intoxicated by pride and self-trust. Pray and be amazed and stunned by the wisdom of the Living God.