God: Accessable and Knowable

Confident Hope

Faith Gives Us Hope
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 


Preserving Faith

Hebrews 10:19-25
The Message

Don’t Throw It All Away

19-21 So, friends, we can now—without hesitation—walk right up to God, into “the Holy Place.” Jesus has cleared the way by the blood of his sacrifice, acting as our priest before God. The “curtain” into God’s presence is his body.

22-25 So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.

For Reflection

One can comfortably argue that one of the most important outcomes of the Christ event was that through Christ, God became both approachable and knowable. Here to fore, God appeared as a thunderous cloud or a burning bush. One who would look at God would surely die from exposure to God's countenance. God was a distant deity who ruled from God's heavenly throne and distributed blessings and curses. God's name could not be spoken. But with the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus, the God who loved with unbounded grace became personal. The curtain separating us from the Holy of Holies was torn, and we were able to see and touch the Creator.


Pray and develop a personal relationship with the living and breathing God.

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