Climb God's Mountain


Celebrating God

Godly Love Among Believers
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 

All People Praise God

For Reflection

For the first few centuries of the Jesus movement, both Jew and Jesus followers shared a single identity. Both were considered as one would perceive fraternal twins, each with similar and unique visions but bound to each other by a common heritage. However, as they both struggled to reconcile their differences, they grew further apart. Even unproblematic differences became significant as each side refused to accept and associate with each other. Instead of being united as chosen children of God, they magnified their differences while forgetting their common roots.

Isiah foretells the day when all peoples will return to their roots. It is the will of God that disputes will be settled, and divisive action will be quelled; and the descendants of Jacob will walk together, each sharing the graces of each other and reconciling their dissensions. Thus, our contentions about how best to serve the law will be displaced by observing it.


Pray the understanding which can only come through the Holy Spirit. Pray that you will recognize the graces of your brothers and sisters in God and reconcile your differences. Pray and restore the Household of God.

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