Celebrating GodGodly Love Among Believers Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) Praise for God's Eternal Reign Revelation 11:3-10 The Message3-6 "Meanwhile, I'll provide my two Witnesses. Dressed in sackcloth, they'll prophesy for 1,260 days. These are the two Olive Trees, the two Lampstands, standing at attention before God on earth. If anyone tries to hurt them, a blast of fire from their mouths will incinerate them—burn them to a crisp just like that. They'll have power to seal the sky so that it doesn't rain for the time of their prophesying, power to turn rivers and springs to blood, power to hit earth with any and every disaster as often as they want. 7-10 "When they've completed their witness, the Beast from the Abyss will emerge and fight them, conquer and kill them, leaving their corpses exposed on the street of the Great City spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, the same City where their Master was crucified. For three and a half days they'll be there—exposed, prevented from getting a decent burial, stared at by the curious from all over the world. Those people will cheer at the spectacle, shouting 'Good riddance!' and calling for a celebration, for these two prophets pricked the conscience of all the people on earth, made it impossible for them to enjoy their sins. For Reflection
Oh my goodness!
Don't we all at some time or another wish and even pray that the wicked and Godless get what they deserve? So I suppose it is natural and ok to vent as some psalmists.
I don't pretend to understand Revelation. But it does suggest strongly that judgment and retribution are God's to deliver, not ours.
It seems to me that those who profess Christianity should seek justice and peace, not vengeance and retribution. Christians should find joy in obedience to God's will for peace sought peacefully. PrayPray, if you must, for God's vengeance. Remember to pray not for what you want but instead pray for what God wants. Pray and become a member of God's confederacy. Forward to a friend