God Frees and Redeems Liberating Passover Freedom to Worship Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) Psalm 138 The VoicePsalm 138A song of David.1 To You, Lord, I give my whole heart, a heart filled with praise, for I am grateful; before the gods, my heart sings praises to You and You alone. 2 I bow before You, looking to Your holy temple, and praise Your name, for Your unfailing love and Your truth; for You have placed Your name and Your word over all things and all times. 3 On the day I needed You, I called, and You responded and infused my soul with strength. 4 May all the kings of the earth praise You, O Eternal One, because they have heard the words, You have spoken. 5 They will marvel at the Eternal's ways, and they will sing, for great is the glory of the Eternal. 6 Although He is greatest of all, He is attentive to the needy and keeps His distance from the proud and pompous. 7 Whenever I walk into trouble, You are there to bring me out. You hold out Your hand to protect me against the wrath of my enemies and hold me safely in Your right hand. 8 The Eternal will finish what He started in me. Your faithful love, O Eternal One, lasts forever; do not give up on what Your hands have made. For ReflectionIt is good to give thanks to God. Notice David says that God is to be exalted in the presence of all gods. In the company of what gods will you praise and thank God? The god of wealth? The god of self-preservation? The god of power? The god of possessions? PrayPray and let the Holy Spirit guide your life. Pray and before all gods, praise God and exalt God alone. Pray and give thanks for all that God has been in your life. Pray and meditate on God's endless patience, compassion, love, and generosity. Forward to a friend |