
Liberating Gospels
Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 


Matthew 26:1-2,6-16
The Voice

26 And so this is what happened, finally. Jesus finished all His teaching, and He said to His disciples,

Jesus: 2 The feast of Passover begins in two days. That is when the Son of Man is handed over to be crucified.

6 Meanwhile Jesus was at Bethany, staying at the home of Simon, the leper. 7 While He was at Simon’s house, a woman came to see Him. She had an alabaster flask of very valuable ointment with her, and as Jesus reclined at the table, she poured the ointment on His head. 8 The disciples, seeing this scene, were furious.

Disciples: This is an absolute waste! 9 The woman could have sold that ointment for lots of money, and then she could have given it to the poor.

10 Jesus knew what the disciples were saying among themselves, so He took them to task.

Jesus: Why don’t you leave this woman alone? She has done a good thing. 11 It is good that you are concerned about the poor, but the poor will always be with you—I will not be. 12 In pouring this ointment on My body, she has prepared Me for My burial. 13 I tell you this: the good news of the kingdom of God will be spread all over the world, and wherever the good news travels, people will tell the story of this woman and her good discipleship. And people will remember her.

14 At that, one of the twelve, Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests.

Judas Iscariot: 15 What will you give me to turn Him over to you?

They offered him 30 pieces of silver. 16 And from that moment, he began to watch for a chance to betray Jesus.

For Reflection

Jesus was the long-awaited anointed one. 

So here is Jesus at the home of a leper being called on by a woman-- two cultural violations. What could be more in keeping with his preaching and his ministry? As she anoints him, the Disciples repeatedly criticize the woman for her extravagance. But this is what Jesus wanted from his disciples and us. Jesus wanted an extravagant loyalty to his teachings. Jesus wanted excessive devotion to his practice of love, justice, and peace.


Pray, and let the Holy Spirit guide your life. Pray, and the Holy Spirit fill you with a passion for loving the marginalized, the poor. Pray, and resist the culture of hate.

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