
Liberating Gospels
The Paschel Lamb Lives
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 

Matthew 26:36-46 The Voice

It is indeed a dark, bitter night. The disciples are sad and confused, and maybe a little bit prideful. Peter can not believe that he could ever betray his Lord.

36 At that, Jesus led His disciples to the place called Gethsemane.

Jesus: I am going over there to pray. You sit here while I’m at prayer.

37 Then He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee with Him, and He grew sorrowful and deeply distressed.

Jesus: 38 My soul is overwhelmed with grief, to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with Me.

39 He walked a little farther and finally fell prostrate and prayed.

Jesus: Father, this is the last thing I want. If there is any way, please take this bitter cup from Me. Not My will, but Yours be done.

40 When He came back to the disciples, He saw that they were asleep. Peter awoke a little less confident and slightly chagrined.

Jesus (to Peter): So you couldn’t keep watch with Me for just one short hour? 41 Now maybe you’re learning: the spirit is willing, but the body is weak. Watch and pray and take care that you are not pulled down during a time of testing.

42 With that, Jesus returned to His secluded spot to pray again.

Jesus: Father, if there is no other way for this cup to pass without My drinking it—then not My will, but Yours be done.

43 Again Jesus returned to His disciples and found them asleep. Their eyes were heavy-lidded. 44 So Jesus left them again and returned to prayer, praying the same sentiments with the same words. 45 Again He returned to His disciples.

Jesus: Well, you are still sleeping; are you getting a good long rest? Now the time has come; the Son of Man is just about to be given over to the betrayers and the sinners. 46 Get up; we have to be going. Look, here comes the one who’s going to betray Me.

For Reflection

Even as you read these passages, you feel that you are standing on hallowed ground. Jesus often went to pray by himself. But this time it was different. Jesus is overwhelmed with grief. He asked Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, James and John, to accompany him.

Knowing what is about to come to pass, Jesus prays for God to intercede. But in sublime obedience to the will of God, Jesus subordinates his will to the will of God.

Even in his sadness and dread-filled state, Jesus remains kind to the sleeping trio. Jesus' spirit is willing but at this moment his body is weak.


Pray, and let the Holy Spirit guide your life. Pray, and know that your suffering is not experienced in vain. Pray, not what I want, but what you, God, want.

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