Invite Life to the Table

Liberating Gospels
Freedom from Sin
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 

Romans 6:1-14 The Voice

6 How should we respond to all of this? Is it good to persist in a life of sin so that grace may multiply even more? 2 Absolutely not! How can we die to a life where sin ruled over us and then invite sin back into our lives? 3 Did someone forget to tell you that when we were initiated into Jesus the Anointed through baptism’s ceremonial washing,[a] we entered into His death? 4 Therefore, we were buried with Him through this baptism into death so that just as God the Father, in all His glory, resurrected the Anointed One, we, too, might walk confidently out of the grave into a new life. 5 To put it another way: if we have been united with Him to share in a death like His, don’t you understand that we will also share in His resurrection? 6 We know this: whatever we used to be with our old sinful ways has been nailed to His cross. So our entire record of sin has been canceled, and we no longer have to bow down to sin’s power. 7 A dead man, you see, cannot be bound by sin. 8 But if we have died with the Anointed One, we believe that we shall also live together with Him. 9 So we stand firm in the conviction that death holds no power over God’s Anointed because He was resurrected from the dead never to face death again. 10 When He died, He died to whatever power sin had, once and for all. Now He lives completely to God. 11 So here is how to picture yourself now that you have been initiated into Jesus the Anointed: you are dead to sin’s power and influence, but you are alive to God’s rule.

12 Don’t invite that insufferable tyrant of sin back into your mortal body so you won’t become obedient to its destructive desires. 13 Don’t offer your bodily members to sin’s service as tools of wickedness; instead, offer your body to God as those who are alive from the dead, and devote the parts of your body to God as tools for justice and goodness in this world. 14 For sin is no longer a tyrant over you; indeed you are under grace and not the law.

For Reflection

If we choose to do so, united with Jesus in his death, we shall also share in Jesus' resurrection. If we choose to do so, we die to sin and become new people sharing the will of God. If we choose to do so, we shall live together with Jesus.  If we choose to do so, we need never face death again. If we choose to do so, sin will no longer plague us, and we will live under the Grace of God.


Pray, and let the Holy Spirit guide your life. Pray so that you will never again invite Sin to a seat at your table.

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