The Lord's Supper

Liberating Gospels
Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 


1 Corinthians 11:23-26 The Voice

23 I passed on to you the tradition the Lord gave to me: On the same night the Lord Jesus was betrayed, He took the bread in His hands; 24 and after giving thanks to God, He broke it and said, "This is My body, broken for you. Keep doing this so that you and all who come after will have a vivid reminder of Me." 25 After they had finished dinner, He took the cup and, in the same way, said, "This cup is the new covenant, executed in My blood. Keep doing this; and whenever you drink it, you and all who come after will have a vivid reminder of Me." 26 Every time you taste this bread and every time you place the cup to your mouths and drink, you are declaring the Lord's death, which is the ultimate expression of His faithfulness and love, until He comes again.

For Reflection

In our celebration of the Lord's Supper, we remember the past. But the sacrament is not only about the past. It is also about remembering the meaning and practices of Jesus Christ. The remembrance of the Last Supper should remind us of the imperative to follow Jesus in The Way, be a champion of the poor and the marginalized, comfort those who are suffering, and work toward justice and peace.

Every time you taste the bread and place the cup to your mouth, you are reminded of God's covenant of forgiveness and God's will that you experience the transcendent joy of being one with God.


Pray, and let the Holy Spirit guide your life. Pray, and the Holy Spirit fill you with the transcendent joy that obviates your suffering. Pray and let God, by the Holy Spirit, provide you with a new way to see and the resulting peace that frees you.

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