Receiving the Spirit through Faith

Liberating Gospels
Freedom and the Law
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 

Galatians 3:1-5 The Voice

3 Galatians, don’t act like fools! Has someone cast a spell over you? Did you miss the crucifixion of Jesus the Anointed that was reenacted right in front of your eyes? 2 Tell me this: Did the Holy Spirit come upon you because you lived according to the law? Or was it because you heard His message of grace through faith? 3. Are you so foolish? Do you think you can perfect something God’s Spirit started with any human effort? 4 Have you suffered so greatly for nothing—if it was indeed for nothing? 5 You have experienced the Spirit He gave you in powerful ways.Miracle after miracle has occurred right before your eyes in this community, so tell me: did all this happen because you have kept certain provisions of God’s law, or was it because you heard the gospel and accepted it by faith?

For Reflection

The Jesus Movement was growing. Jews, Gentiles, Greco-Roman sympathizers, and even some Pharisees joined this new Christian movement. The inclusion of Gentiles posed a serious challenge to the doctrine and practice of the members. Judaizers, the traditionalists, insisted that the Gentiles followed all of the Mosiac Law and practices including circumcision. Paul insisted that following all of the Law was not necessary. 

Accepting Christ's invitation to the saving grace of the Spirit was a matter of embracing the Holy Spirit's resident presence. One's transformational conversion was not a matter of how well one obeyed the various manifestations of the Law. The Holy Spirit resides in you because you heard the gospel and accepted it by faith.


Pray, and let the Holy Spirit guide your life. Pray, and let the Holy Spirit abide in you. Pray and trust in the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort you in the best and worst times. Pray, maintain your trust in the promise of God, and hope for restoration.

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