Partners in a New Creation
The Agent of Creation The Word Resurrects the Dead
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 The Voice20 But the Anointed One was raised from death's slumber and is the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death. 21 For since death entered this world by a man, it took another man to make the resurrection of the dead our new reality. 22 Look at it this way: through Adam, all of us die, but through the Anointed One all of us can live again. 23 But this is how it will happen: the Anointed's awakening is the firstfruits. It will be followed by the resurrection of all those who belong to Him at His coming, 24 and then the end will come. After He has conquered His enemies and shut down every rule and authority vying for power, He will hand over the Kingdom to God, the Father of all that is. 25 And He must reign as King until He has put all His enemies under His feet. 26 The last hostile power to be destroyed is death itself. 27 All this will happen to fulfill the Scripture that says, "You placed everything on the earth beneath His feet." [a] (Although it says "everything," it is clear that this does not also pertain to God, who created everything and made it all subject to Him.) 28 Then, when all creation has taken its rightful place beneath God's sovereign reign, the Son will follow, subject to the Father who exalted Him over all created things; then God will be God over all. For Reflection
Last Sunday, our minister said that we should look for the WORD behind the words when we study Scripture. As I read these passages, I wondered about the meaning of the resurrection in the Christian life. What if we rethought the resurrection as something other than a single, one-and-done event.
There are at least ten resurrection stories in the Bible, four in the old testament and six in the new testament. All the resurrections are done by the power of God. But most are conducted through a human agent. This WORD behind the words suggests that life doesn't end. The body deteriorates, but life continues. How else could someone be raised otherwise?
Pray Pray and contemplate the power of God and the term eternal life. Rejoice in the Lord.
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