Get Out into the Streets

Partners in a New Creation

Come and Enjoy
The River of Life

Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 

Luke 14:16-24 The Voice

Jesus: 16 A man once hosted a huge banquet and invited many guests. 17 When the time came, he sent his servant to tell the guests who had agreed to come, “We’re ready! Come now!” 18 But then every single guest began to make excuses. One said, “Oh, I’m sorry. I just bought some land, and I need to go see it. Please excuse me.” 19 Another said, “So sorry. I just bought five pairs of oxen. I need to go check them out. Please excuse me.” 20 Another said, “I just got married, so I can’t come.”

21 The servant returned and reported their responses to his master. His master was angry and told the servant, “Go out quickly to the streets and alleys around town and bring the poor, the amputees, the blind, and the cripples.”

22 The servant came back again: “Sir, I’ve done as you said, but there is still more room.” 23 And the host said, “Well then, go out to the highways and hedges and bring in the complete strangers you find there, until my house is completely full. 24 One thing is for sure, not one single person on the original guest list shall enjoy this banquet.”

For Reflection

An invitation to a wedding is a request to share the joy of the event. For whatever reason, the guests gave pitiful excuses for not attending.

Like the invited wedding guests, the Jews did not accept the invitation God was sending through Jesus. So the immediate world was invited as well.

God invites you to a grand feast too. It is a celebration of a life filled with joy and peace. So, what's your excuse? 


Pray and go all in. Pray and find the joy and peace that God intends for you.

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