God's Exceptional Choice God Call's Abraham's Family The Faith of Abraham
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) Romans 4:13-16 The Voice13 The promise given to Abraham and his children, that one day they would inherit the world, did not come because he followed the rules of the law. It came as a result of his right standing before God, a standing he obtained through faith. 14 If this inheritance is available only to those who keep the law, then faith is a useless commodity and the promise is canceled. 15 For the law brings God's wrath against sin. But where the law doesn't draw the line, there can be no crime. 16 This is the reason that faith is the single source of the promise—so that grace would be offered to all Abraham's children, those whose lives are defined by the law and those who follow the path of faith charted by Abraham, our common father. 17 As it is recorded in the Scriptures, "I have appointed you the father of many nations." [a] In the presence of the God who creates out of nothing and holds the power to bring to life what is dead, Abraham believed and so became our father.. For Reflection
Righteousness, Paul insists, is a matter of faith, not form.
It reminds me of a Japanese marriage fad. For a time many marriage ceremonies were copies of American Christian celebrations. White dress, men in tuxedos, an "officiating priest," a walk down the aisle and back, a dancing reception. The form of the wedding had nothing to do with the marital oath or blessing of God.
The form was empty pageantry. Just as empty as the conventions of form found in the many Jewish laws in biblical times and the adherence of Christians to religious practices without the inherent to ground the "good words." PrayPray and let your faith animate your practice of the Gospel message.
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