Partners in a New Creation
The Great Hope of the Saints The River of Life
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) John 4:4-14 The Voice4 This was a trip that would take them through Samaria. 5-8 In a small Samaritan town known as Sychar, Jesus and His entourage stopped to rest at the historic well that Jacob gave his son Joseph. It was about noon when Jesus found a spot to sit close to the well while the disciples ventured off to find provisions. From His vantage, He watched as a Samaritan woman approached to draw some water. Unexpectedly He spoke to her. Jesus: Would you draw water, and give Me a drink? Woman: 9 I cannot believe that You, a Jew, would associate with me, a Samaritan woman; much less ask me to give You a drink. Jews, you see, have no dealings with Samaritans. Also, a man never approaches a woman like this in public. Jesus is breaking accepted social barriers with this confrontation. Jesus: 10 You don’t know the gift of God or who is asking you for a drink of this water from Jacob’s well. Because if you did, you would have asked Him for something greater; and He would have given you the living water. Woman: 11 Sir, You sit by this deep well a thirsty man without a bucket in sight. Where does this living water come from? 12 Are You claiming superiority to our father Jacob who labored long and hard to dig and maintain this well so that he could share clean water with his sons, grandchildren, and cattle? Jesus: 13 Drink this water, and your thirst is quenched only for a moment. You must return to this well again and again.14 I offer water that will become a wellspring within you that gives life throughout eternity. You will never be thirsty again. For Reflection
For what do you thirst? Are you thirsty for security, power, or social position? If so, how do you go about accumulating those things? Are you satisfied, or do you still thirst when you possess them? Do you have peace or rest from the weariness of the struggle to achieve?
Seeking to achieve is not a bad thing unless it is the only thing for which you strive. Material prosperity will never quench the thirst that nags you into action. Despite your corporal success, your soul yearns. That spark of God that dwells within you screams for attention.
Jesus recognizes the suppression, to exclude from consciousness the Holy Spirit, and invites the Samaritan women to embrace this gift from God. PrayPray and recognize the power of the Holy Spirit to transform your life. Pray and have the courage to follow the example of Jesus Christ.
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