God's Exceptional Choice Out of Slavery - Into Nationhood The Birth of Moses Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) Acts 7:30-41 The Message30-32 “Forty years later, in the wilderness of Mount Sinai, an angel appeared to him in the guise of flames of a burning bush. Moses, not believing his eyes, went up to take a closer look. He heard God’s voice: ‘I am the God of your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.’ Frightened nearly out of his skin, Moses shut his eyes and turned away. 33-34 “God said, ‘Kneel and pray. You are in a holy place, on holy ground. I’ve seen the agony of my people in Egypt. I’ve heard their groans. I’ve come to help them. So get yourself ready; I’m sending you back to Egypt.’ 35-39 “This is the same Moses whom they earlier rejected, saying, ‘Who put you in charge of us?’ This is the Moses that God, using the angel flaming in the burning bush, sent back as ruler and redeemer. He led them out of their slavery. He did wonderful things, setting up God-signs all through Egypt, down at the Red Sea, and out in the wilderness for forty years. This is the Moses who said to his congregation, ‘God will raise up a prophet just like me from your descendants.’ This is the Moses who stood between the angel speaking at Sinai and your fathers assembled in the wilderness and took the life-giving words given to him and handed them over to us, words our fathers would have nothing to do with. 39-41 “They craved the old Egyptian ways, whining to Aaron, ‘Make us gods we can see and follow. This Moses who got us out here miles from nowhere—who knows what’s happened to him!’ That was the time when they made a calf-idol, brought sacrifices to it, and congratulated each other on the excellent religious program they had put together.
For Reflection No one could look at the face of God, so God presented Godself in the form of a burning bush. Then, God sent the rejected Moses back to Egypt to lead God's people out of slavery.
But some exiled people craved the Egyptian ways. They lived for forty years. But isn't that a common reaction that we also make? The status quo is so comfortable, and traveling in the unknown is frightening. PrayPray for prayers of commitment to our living God. Pray and know the peace your trust in God will bring.
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