God's Exceptional Choice Out of Slavery - Into Nationhood The Birth of Moses Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) Hebrews 11:23-29 The Message23 By an act of faith, Moses' parents hid him away for three months after his birth. They saw the child's beauty, and they braved the king's decree. 24-28 By faith, Moses, when grown, refused the privileges of the Egyptian royal house. He chose a hard life with God's people rather than an opportunistic soft life of sin with the oppressors. He valued suffering in the Messiah's camp far greater than Egyptian wealth because he was looking ahead, anticipating the payoff. By an act of faith, he turned his heel on Egypt, indifferent to the king's blind rage. He had his eye on the One no eye can see, and kept right on going. By an act of faith, he kept the Passover Feast and sprinkled Passover blood on each house so that the destroyer of the firstborn wouldn't touch them. 29 By an act of faith, Israel walked through the Red Sea on dry ground. The Egyptians tried it and drowned. For Reflection
Faith is trust. God asks us to follow God's word and God's call blindly. But, with little to go on, trust is essential. God will guide your way and support you just as he has Moses and an untold number of others. PrayPray and go all in. Pray and find the joy and peace that God intends for you.
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