How Soon We Forget

God's Exceptional Choice 
Out of Slavery - Into Nationhood
The Call of Gideon
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 


Judges 2:11-19 The Voice

11 Consequently this new generation served the gods of Canaan—the Baals[aas they were called—doing what the Eternal God considered evil. 12 They abandoned the Eternal One, the True God of their ancestors, who brought them safely out of Egypt. Instead, they began to serve the gods of their neighbors, the Canaanites, bowing low before their images, causing the Eternal to burn with anger.

13 The Israelites abandoned the worship of the Eternal One and turned to serve Baal and his consort the moon goddess, Ashtaroth. 14 So the Eternal’s anger burned hot against them, and He caused them to be overcome by those around them, using their enemies to plunder them so that the Israelites could no longer stand against their enemies. 15 Whenever they marched out to battle, the hand of the Eternal One was raised against them in evil, as He had warned and promised them, and they were in anguish.

16 But the Eternal appointed judges among them, leaders and liberators who rescued the Israelites from their enemies who plundered them. 17 Even then the people of Israel did not listen to their judges, but instead passionately pursued other gods and bowed down to them. How quickly they turned from the faithfulness exhibited by their ancestors in obeying the Eternal’s commandments. This younger generation did not follow their ancestors’ example.

18 Still, whenever the Eternal appointed judges among the Israelites, He was with each one, saving the Israelites from their enemies as long as that leader lived, for He was moved to compassion by the groans of His people when they were persecuted and oppressed. 19 But when the judge died, then the people would fall away from their faithfulness, and the next generation behaved even worse than their ancestors, pursuing and serving other gods, and bowing down before them. They would not change their bad habits but clung to them stubbornly.

For Reflection

Even though the Israelites were delivered from Egypt's bondage, they over time, forgot the commitment they made to God. Consequently, they suffered the loss of battle with their enemies.

So God appointed judges to oversee the spiritual commitments. That had little effect on Isreal's obedience. The younger generation did not follow the example of their elders.

God remained dedicated to God's chosen people by helping the judges defend Israel. But as soon as a judge died, the disobedient people suffered defeat. Even defeat could not move the Israelites to change their bad behavior.


Pray and discipline yourself. Pray and be aware of the covenant God has made with you. Pray and trust in God who has protected you.

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