Grace Overflowed for Service

God's Exceptional Choice 
We are God's Artwork
Christ is Wisdom
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 


1 Timothy 1:12-17
The Voice

12 I thank our Lord Jesus the Anointed who empowers me, because He saw me as faithful and appointed me to this ministry. 13 Despite the fact that at one time I was slandering the things of God, persecuting and attacking His people, He was still merciful to me because I acted in ignorance apart from faith. 14 But He poured His grace over me, and I was flooded in an abundance of the grace and faith and love that can only be found in Jesus the Anointed.

15 Here's a statement worthy of trust: Jesus the Anointed, the Liberating King, came into the world to save sinners, and I am the worst of them all. 16 But it is for this reason I was given mercy: by displaying His perfect patience in me, the very worst of all sinners, Jesus the Anointed could show that patience to all who would believe in Him and gain eternal life. 17 May the King eternal, immortal, and invisible—the one and only God—now be honored and glorified forever and ever. Amen.

For Reflection

This story is about how God can turn an enemy into a friend. It exemplifies the power of mercy and grace, and forgiveness. Saul, now Paul, died to his old life and was resurrected into his new life in Jesus Christ.


Pray so that you, too, may be transformed. Open your heart to self-examination in prayer. Ask God how you can honor God every day.

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