God's Exceptional Choice We are God's Artwork God Gives Us Tools for Our Protection Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) Ephesians 3:1-13 The MessageThe Secret Plan of God3 1-3 This is why I, Paul, am in jail for Christ, having taken up the cause of you outsiders, so-called. I take it that you're familiar with the part I was given in God's plan for including everybody. I got the inside story on this from God himself, as I just wrote you in brief. 4-6 As you read over what I have written to you, you'll be able to see for yourselves into the mystery of Christ. None of our ancestors understood this. Only in our time has it been made clear by God's Spirit through his holy apostles and prophets of this new order. The mystery is that people who have never heard of God and those who have heard of him all their lives (what I've been calling outsiders and insiders) stand on the same ground before God. They get the same offer, same help, same promises in Christ Jesus. The Message is accessible and welcoming to everyone, across the board. 7-8 This is my life work: helping people understand and respond to this Message. It came as a sheer gift to me, a real surprise, God handling all the details. When it came to presenting the Message to people who had no background in God's way, I was the least qualified of any of the available Christians. God saw to it that I was equipped, but you can be sure that it had nothing to do with my natural abilities. 8-10 And so here I am, preaching and writing about things that are way over my head, the inexhaustible riches and generosity of Christ. My task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God, who created all this in the first place, has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along. Through followers of Jesus like yourselves gathered in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels! 11-13 All this is proceeding along lines planned all along by God and then executed in Christ Jesus. When we trust in him, we're free to say whatever needs to be said, bold to go wherever we need to go. So don't let my present trouble on your behalf get you down. Be proud! For Reflection
What is this mystery? That God, in some mysterious and miraculous way, has unified the Jewish Christians and the Gentile converts.No longer are Gentiles outsiders. Instead, the Gentiles are received into the fellowship of Christ on an equal footing with Hebrew Christians. 6 The mystery is that the Gentiles are received into the fellowship of Christ on an equal footing with Hebrew Christians through the gospel proclamation. PrayPray that the outsiders may know the mystery that is our God. Pray that they will recognize the life awaiting them in Christian fellowship.
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