Chosen by Christ

From Darkness to Light 
God's Call and Responsibilities
Not Many Elite Called
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 

For Reflection

"Pentecost! A time of being both uprooted and deeply grounded. 

Like the wind, the Spirit moves us in different ways, sending us to other places and nesting us into other ground. To experience Pentecost, it is necessary to search for change and to allow ourselves to be changed. Changes mean new forms of consciousness, awareness, commitments, and agency. What is it in your life that needs to be changed? Like seeds, we must learn to let go and die so we can sprout into life! Be uprooted from ways of thinking and believing and be taken by the Spirit, flowing with God's grace to more expansive and necessary ways of living our faith in our world today."**

Change and transformation that is what the Gospel is all about. To help us with the transformation necessary to participate in the Kingdom, God sends a third part of God's self, the Holy Spirit. Through prayer and meditation, we access the Holy Spirit. 


Pray and be silent to hear the voice of God through the Holy Spirit. Listen for the comforting guidance of the Holy Spirit, which resides in you.

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