The Weapons of Our Warfare

Jesus Calls Us
Called from the Margins of Society
Jesus Overpowers Legion
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5)

Jesus addressed the powerless, the poor, and the marginalized people of his time. He did not raise up a coalition of activists to use any means possible to save the world. Jesus chose instead to reveal the power in powerlessness. Because you walk in humility, forgiving and praying for those who persecute you, non-violently resist the injustices surrounding you, and ignoring the appeals to fear, you frustrate those persons and systems that tend to dominate you.

Non-violent resistance was the strategy of Dr. Martin Luther King. When the general public saw the human sacrifice that animated the Civil Rights Movement, they developed an empathic understanding of the tragic injustice that plagued the black community. Then those in power were motivated to resolve the issues of injustice. That is the power of the powerless.


Pray for God to show you the power in your every-day-walking-around-self. Pray that your life becomes a witness to the power of humility, grace, and forgiveness.

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