Faith in Action

Jesus Calls Us
The Birth of the Church
A Promise Is Made to Jesus' Disciples

Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5

Hebrews 11:1-14 The Voice

11 Faith is the assurance of things you have hoped for, the absolute conviction that there are realities you've never seen. 2 It was by faith that our forebears were approved. 3 Through faith, we understand that the universe was created by the word of God; everything we now see was fashioned from that which is invisible.

4 By faith, Abel presented to God a sacrifice more acceptable than his brother Cain's. By faith, Abel learned he was righteous, as God Himself testified by approving his offering. And by faith, he still speaks, although his voice was silenced by death.

5 By faith, Enoch was carried up into heaven so that he did not see death; no one could find him because God had taken him. Before he was taken up, it was said of him that he had pleased God. 6 Without faith, no one can please God because the one coming to God must believe He exists, and He rewards those who come seeking.

7 By faith, Noah respected God's warning regarding the flood—the likes of which no one had ever seen—and built an ark that saved his family. In this, he condemned the world and inherited the righteousness that comes from faith.

8 By faith, Abraham heard God's call to travel to a place he would one day receive as an inheritance; and he obeyed, not knowing where God's call would take him. 9 By faith, he journeyed to the land of the promise as a foreigner; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, his fellow heirs to the promise 10 because Abraham looked ahead to a city with foundations, a city laid out and built by God.

11 By faith Abraham's wife Sarah became fertile long after menopause because she believed God would be faithful to His promise. 12 So from this man, who was almost at death's door, God brought forth descendants, as many as the stars in the sky and as impossible to count as the sands of the shore.

13 All these I have mentioned died in faith without receiving the full promises, although they saw the fulfillment as though from a distance. These people accepted and confessed that they were strangers and foreigners on this earth 14 because people who speak like this make it plain that they are still seeking a homeland.

For Reflection

Answering Good's call takes courage and complete trust in God. Each action we take in faith will multiply the impact of many future acts of faith. Abraham's leap of faith began a religion. One never knows the future consequences of what some would consider a humble action. 


Pray and accept God's call to service.

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