Repent, Turn, and Live

Jesus Calls Us
Experiencing the Resurrection
Jesus Reinstates Peter
Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5

Ezekiel 18:13-27 The Voice

13 He charges those who borrow from him interest and makes excessive profits. Do you think the wicked son will live? Of course not! Because he has done all of these shocking things, he will be put to death, and it will be his own fault.

14 Now, suppose the wicked son has a son of his own, and this son watches his father's vile lifestyle and chooses not to do as his father has done: 15 He worships Me exclusively; he doesn't feast at the heathen shrines atop mountains, nor does he worship idols as others do in Israel—he won't even look at them! He does not defile his neighbor's wife. 16 He does not persecute or abuse anyone; he gives back a debtor's-collateral and does not seize poorer men's properties. He tends to the poor; he clothes the naked, gives his bread to the hungry, 17 does not participate in wronging the poor, nor does he charge those who borrow from him interest or make excessive profit. He is obedient to Me, faithfully keeping My laws and living by My statutes. This man who is righteous will not die for his father's sins. He will surely live. 18 But his father will surely die for his own wicked deeds—taking advantage of the poor, seizing property from poorer Israelites, and refusing to do good for his people.

19 So why do you ask, "Why is the son not also punished for his father's guilt?" Don't you see? The son did not commit his father's sins. The son chose to do what is just and right by remembering and following My laws, so he will surely live. 20 The person who sins will die. The child will not be punished for the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent be punished for the guilt of the child. The righteous will be credited with righteousness. The wicked will be charged with wickedness.

21 But there is good news even for the wicked. If the wicked turn away from their sins, choose to uphold My laws, be honest, and live a righteous life, then they will surely live. They won't die. 22 I won't remember any of their previous wrongs against them because of the right things they have done. They will surely live. 23 Do I enjoy watching the wicked die? No. I, the Eternal One, would prefer for the wicked to stop doing the wrong things they do and live. 24 If the righteous stop doing what is right, choose the sinful path, and commit the shocking things the wicked do, do you think they will live? Certainly not! I won't remember any of their righteous deeds because of all the unfaithful and wicked things they do. They will surely die.

25 You say, "The Lord's way is not fair at all!" Hear Me, people of Israel: You think My way is unfair? You are the ones with unjust ways! 26 If a righteous person turns away from the right path and chooses to act wickedly, he will die for it. He will die because of the sin he committed. 27 But if a wicked person turns from the wicked path and chooses to be honest and live a righteous life, he will end up saving his life!

For Reflection

'We can see the contemporary analogies to Ezekiel's message. Our ancestors in the United States practiced deeply racist policies. We continue to feel the effects of these policies. The sins of our ancestors do not excuse our participation in those sins or our current behavior. We practice the idolatry of worshipping success. Even individuals who seek to live ethical lives experience the consequences of past racism, the estrangement, the polarization. God desires life and wholeness in the community. God wants a new heart and spirit for us. Judgment can take at least two forms. God can directly judge and punish. But, on the other hand, judgment can come simply because our foolishness catches up to us."

Charles L. Aaron, Jr. Director of the Intern Program and Chair of Biblical Studies, Perkins School of Theology, Dallas, Texas,


Pray, and know that through the loving Grace of God, you are forgiven. Then, pray and return that love and grace by turning away from sin and living a righteous life.

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