God Provides for the Remnants

Partners in a New Creation

The Great Hope of the Saints
A New City

Live in the light of God (Isaiah 2:5) 


Zechariah 8:1-8 The Voice

8 1-2 The word of the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, came, this time bringing a series of five short messages about hope.

Eternal One: First, I have a jealous desire to be among My people in Zion. I want it more than anything. I am burning with angry jealousy for her and her welfare.

Second, I will return to Zion and live in the heart of Jerusalem. So it will then be known far and wide as the City of Truth, and the mountain of the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, will be called Holy Mountain.

Third, elderly men and women will sit in Jerusalem's streets with staffs in hand because of their old age. 5 The city streets will bustle with boys and girls playing outside on the roads and in the squares.

Fourth, this may come as a surprise to the remnant of these people, eking out an existence during these harsh days, but what is surprising to you is not for Me.

Fifth, I will rescue My people from far and wide, from east to west across the land, 8 and I will bring them home to live in peace in Jerusalem where they will be My people once more. I will be truthful and just to them as their God.

For Reflection

Ultimately, God's purpose is to redeem His fallen creation. He initiated His plan of redemption by calling and equipping the children of Abraham to be a light to the nations. Zechariah foresees a day when Jerusalem is the center of the world; when people of every race, creed, and color journey to it; and when the Jews show the rest of the world the way to the one True God.*

Time after time God rescued God's people. God will also rescue you.

*Embedded content in The Voice


Pray and know that no matter what you do to distance you from God's plan, God will redeem you and welcome you back into the Kingdom.

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